End of Sunshine Streak? Unseasonably Cool Weather Predicted for St. Patrick’s Day

Get ready to ditch the green shamrocks for a cozy sweater this St. Patrick’s Day! Our long stretch of above-average temperatures is finally expected to end, bringing a touch of winter back for the holiday.

For the past 17 days, residents have basked in sunshine and warmth. But forecasters predict a shift in weather patterns, with highs struggling to reach the 40-degree mark on March 17th.

This cool down can be attributed to two main factors. First, clouds will be rolling in, limiting the sun’s warming power. Second, northwesterly winds will usher in cooler air, preventing temperatures from climbing.

There’s even a chance of flurries throughout the morning and possibly into the afternoon, adding a wintry touch to the festive day.

Winds could gust up to 40 mph in the afternoon, but are expected to calm down later in the evening. Skies are forecast to clear overnight, offering a glimpse of stars after the celebrations.

The good news? This cooler weather is temporary. By Monday, skies will be mostly sunny again with highs climbing into the mid-40s to low 50s. Warmer temperatures are expected to continue for the first day of spring, with highs reaching around 60 degrees on Tuesday.

So enjoy the (slightly) cooler St. Patrick’s Day – it’s just a brief blip before spring officially arrives! But be prepared for some temperature fluctuations later in the week, with highs potentially dropping back into the low 50s by midweek and even the 40s by next weekend.

There’s also a chance of rain and snow showers starting as early as Thursday, so keep an eye on the forecast for updates.